The Corvidae Collective

MuC N++++!!#$-* | P[m/n*g/qr*] | A[b r---!/^] |
S.++ | Opr | Mpm/g/d/l/s/ps/m | We/f/x/-//+!/& | C(cc+/m#) | OF(r--/o++) | Fx+/p+^/a+/g+^/m+^/n+^/ast+^/aut+^/div+^/med+^/wc+^/mw+^#+^* | Mast/spi/mag/=//#* | Rf/p/qp/w/r/m/+ | V-* | X+ | G+ | Jst | S(r---!/o+!) | R--!

(PLC) 🌙,💙💖,🕯️,🌹,🦊🐍🐸🦋🐙🦈🐔,🎤🎧,✨⚡☄️🌈
Confused? Click here and here.

About Us

We're a queer, neurodivergent, disabled, mentally ill, altersex/aldernic, alterhuman, praesigenic polyplex. We're different in probably every way you can imagine besides one: we all really like collecting things. Fun fact: crows also really like collecting things. We find this very funny, as you can probably tell. We're also pretty much all anarchists, but shh.

Click on the flags to learn more about our shared identities! We all have different specific identities like genders, pronouns, sexualities, subcultures, etc. but these are all of the things that represent the system's collective identity as a whole. Also, we are white, TME, dyadic, and an adult (above 18) in case any of that is significant to you.

As a collective you can call us Corvid. Or, y'know, The Corvidae Collective works too. If for whatever reason you can't find the pronouns of who you're referring to in our system (we much prefer you do that) you can default to they/them. We also appreciate it when people add "&" to the end of a pronoun when they're specifically talking to or about the entire system rather than just one headmate. (For example, "I heard they like video games!" if you're talking about one of us and "I heard they& like video games!" if you're referring to the whole system.)

Remember to read our whole DNI before interacting with us! Thank you.

Before You Follow

Read this page before you follow or interact with any of our accounts! If there's anything on here you don't know about or understand, check this carrd for further explanation. If anything is too long or you have trouble reading it, send us a DM and we'll give you a simpler summary.

Here is important info on us and our boundaries to read before you follow:

  • Do not refer to any of us as “alters” or “parts” or call our exomemories “pseudomemories” as this is a very important boundary and we will block anyone who violates it. Don’t use any clinical/psychiatric terminology to refer to us or our plurality. (Any other terminology is fine, though. For example: headmates, system members, etc. and exomemories, source memories when applicable, etc.) If you don’t know what terms we would or wouldn’t be comfortable with, just ask.

  • We’re real, whole, individual people. We as system members are just as whole and just as much real people as any singlet is. We can and often do have totally different opinions, ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. on any given thing. Respect our personhood.

  • You’re welcome to be sarcastic or teasing towards us as long as you're using the appropriate tone indicators! If you're able to, please use tone indicators as much as possible, and otherwise just try to be very clear about what you mean. (Specify whether you're being literal or not, whether you're upset about something or not, etc.)

  • Before you DM us (on social media or on Discord) we prefer that you ask, though it’s not required. Always let us know why you're contacting us (and who you are/where you’re coming from if it’s not obvious) right away. DM us before sending friend requests on Discord if we don’t already know you personally.

  • If we accidentally violate your boundaries or DNI, let us know! We never mean to do those things on purpose, but due to things like memory issues we sometimes will follow people who have softblocked us and other things like that without realizing. Just let us know what we did wrong and we’ll respect your boundaries, no matter who you are.

  • We probably won't form close friendships or have very personal/private conversations with minors, considering we are bodily an adult, but minors are allowed to interact in any way so long as it's appropriate. Obviously, this means minors should not interact with any account that we state is 18+/ask minors to not interact with. (Any of our 18+ accounts will make it very clear and put something like 18+ or “minors DNI” in bio/pinned.)

  • Don’t interact in a NSFW/explicit way on accounts that are open to all ages. Suggestive/dirty jokes are fine, just nothing too graphic. Any account that minors interact with, we keep SFW. If we are okay with NSFW interaction on a specific account, it’ll be obvious the account is 18+/doesn’t allow minors.

  • Feel free to ask respectful questions about our identities and communities if you’re ever curious. (Obviously we reserve the right to not answer anything we're uncomfortable with.)

  • We are radical inclusionists. We support all good faith queer identities and all queer people including those who are: asexual, aromantic, any a-spec identity, bi, pan, any other m-spec label, m-spec lesbian/gay, trans, nonbinary, non-dysphoric trans, gender nonconforming, pronoun nonconforming, any MOGAI label(s), split attraction model users, neopronoun users, and xenogender. If you're anti-queer in any way including by being any kind of exclusionist or "against" any of these identities, stay far away from us. This is not a safe space for you. (Like we mentioned, we support all good faith identities. Abusers/pedophiles or transphobes that make labels in bad faith in order to be abusive or oppressive don't count under that definition.)

  • If you're anti-sex work or sex negative in any way, you are perpetuating misogyny and anti-queer sentiment that directly harms marginalized people. That is classic radfem rhetoric which historically has been used to enact oppression upon queer people, BIPOC, and other marginalized people. Sex-negative rhetoric is oppressive ideology. If you engage in it, leave.

  • We try our best in everything we do to be actively antiracist. It’s up to BIPOC to decide if we’re doing that successfully at any given time. Some racist behaviors we do not tolerate include: ignoring BIPOC who talk about racism or call you out on it, fetishizing or appropriating cultures you do not belong to including claiming to be a race you physically are not for any reason, supporting racial or cultural genocide. If you engage in this racist behavior, you're not welcome here.

  • We believe and support all systems, regardless of their origin or whether or not they have any given disorder or diagnosis. This includes systems who are endogenic, non-traumagenic, and non-disordered. We, ourselves, choose not to disclose our origin or whether or not we have any given disorder. If you force systems to understand their experiences, identities, and lives as pathological (i.e. you believe systems are inherently medical/that non-medical systems cannot exist and are therefore a system medicalist) then you are ableist. There is no such thing as being "neutral" on whether or not a neurodivergent person deserves the right to define themselves or whether or not you think they're lying about existing or being who they say they are. Saying that you don't believe a system when they say anything about any trauma they may or may not have, or using the fact that some trauma survivors and systems experience amnesia as an excuse to disbelieve them, is horrifically ableist behavior. Similarly: the broad plural community, which includes systems of all origins and backgrounds, does not harm anyone by existing. DID systems, for example, can and do still have their own exclusive spaces just for DID systems. If you're one of those people who claim to support "endos" as long as "they stop calling themselves systems" or "invading system spaces" (which is code for "as long as they stop existing" because they're endogenic systems, that's what "endos" is short for) you are also ableist. We don't tolerate ableism and ableists are not welcome here.

  • Other ableist behavior we don’t tolerate includes: supporting the hate group Autism Speaks, supporting ABA which systemically abuses autistic children, being "against" self diagnosis, stigmatizing cluster B personality disorders such as by characterizing all people with them as abusive, using ableist language like "narcissistic abuse" or using a mental health condition/symptom as an insult, etc.

  • This should not have to be said, but animal abuse is wrong. Zoophiles and those who tolerate/support them, including online groups who use other words like "zoosexual" to describe their animal abuse and "allies" to those online groups of abusers, are absolutely not tolerated here or anywhere else. This includes any sort of "neutral" position. You cannot be "neutral" on abuse.

  • This should also not have to be said, but child abuse is wrong. Pedophiles and those who tolerate/support them, including online groups who use words like "MAP"/"noMAP"/"virped" to describe their child abuse and "allies" to those online groups of abusers, are absolutely not tolerated here or anywhere else. This includes any sort of "neutral" position. You cannot be "neutral" on abuse. This also includes anyone who condones, produces, or consumes CSEM of any kind, including simCSEM.

  • We care a lot about anti-oppressive practice in fandom and supporting marginalized people in fandom. We also care about these things more broadly in terms of media in general. We do not support the romanticization, normalization, or fetishization of any kind of oppression or abuse. This includes things like racism, transphobia, CSA, and incest, which are normalized and romanticized in our social norms culture. We find the idea that bigotry and oppressive rhetoric cannot be disseminated through fictional media (or “fiction doesn’t affect reality”) to be false and an extremely harmful message. Media has a huge impact on and relationship with social and cultural norms, including oppressive ones. Anyone who produces media about sensitive topics like oppression and abuse without taking the care to properly research and listen to those personally affected in real life by what they’re writing about is themselves perpetuating oppression. It is absolutely possible to produce harmful depictions of oppression or abuse in media which then influence the beliefs and subsequent behaviors of other, which is why things like representation of marginalized people in media can positively influence the world and why propaganda can exist and work. Fandom but also mainstream media and media as a whole has a huge racism problem, alongside other issues like normalizing transphobia and romanticizing abuse, which impacts real world marginalized people both in terms of their ability to exist in fandom spaces and the oppression they face, and we’re committed to working against these things. If you engage in any of this harmful behavior related to depicting abuse or oppression in media, or if you claim that those who criticize media and the people who make it are somehow inherently immoral or harmful for the sole action of criticizing or condemning that behavior, stay far away from us.

  • We believe people can write or make art about whatever they want as long as they do so ethically and in a way that does not harm marginalized people, which means taking care to accurately represent real life experiences of oppression and abuse, as well as making sure that any depiction of those things does not influence the real life counterpart negatively. Though we believe there are real issues of negative depictions of abuse and oppression in media, we also believe that marginalized creators also face far more criticism for their work than those who aren’t marginalized in the same way, and much of the criticism levied towards marginalized creators is not good faith or sound. This is especially true of POC who are attacked both in fandom and in mainstream media for the smallest perceived flaw. Harassment, bullying, doxxing, and similar ways of attacking people online are wrong, regardless of the actions of the person you do those things to. We never condone or support doing any of those things. Us making statements about supporting or not supporting someone's actions is never us implying in any way that anyone should attack anyone else online in those ways. We are fundamentally against that. If you engage in or support any of that kind of behavior, you aren't welcome here. Also, maybe do something that actually helps people instead?

  • Age regression is a perfectly healthy and completely non-sexual activity that is often used as a coping mechanism. We fully support age regressors. However, we do not support those who sexualize age regression, as it is a completely non-sexual activity and community and openly/publicly sexualizing it online is violating the consent of age regressors. Also, if you in any way harm or are "against" age regressors, including if you are "against" singlets who age regress, you are not welcome here.

  • We also ask that the totally separate and unrelated DDLG/CGL community (and all variants) do not interact with us, as we are personally uncomfortable with it. We are also personally uncomfortable with those who are part of the CGLRE community or who are singlets and call themselves "littles" or use related terminology and ask that they do not interact as well. Systems who use "little" terminology are fine to interact, though. We cannot elaborate on this point, please do not ask, these are just our personal boundaries.

  • We are alterhuman, and have many different identities under that umbrella. If you're anti-alterhuman or anti-'kin in any way, leave us alone. You obviously don't like us anyway, and you don't like many of the people we care about. This includes those who gatekeep any alterhuman identity or who misuse alterhuman terminology in a way that harms other alterhumans, i.e. people using "kin" to mean relating to a character while attacking or mocking spiritual 'kin.

Our Accounts

All of our system's collective/shared social media accounts be found here on our linktree, including our main Tumblr. Please read our DNI/BYF before you interact with any of our social media accounts and respect our boundaries.

Other Accounts

Some of us have our personal sideblogs on Tumblr, either for individual headmates or smaller groups. We also have other shared sideblogs for specific purposes. Some of these may have unique DNI criteria, so please check that. Also be warned that some urls contain reclaimed slurs. If you’re uncomfortable with that but still want to check out our other personal blogs, send us a DM and we'll send you this list with those blogs omitted.

  • First item

  • Second item

  • Third item

Content Warnings

We tag all triggers and content warnings in the same way on all of our Tumblr accounts: #cw (insert trigger/content warning). We also specifically tag mentions or images of content: #cw (insert trigger/content warning) mention or #cw (insert trigger/content warning) image. For example, the tag for content that features heavy discussion of or focuses on food, the tag would be #cw food, while the tag for images of food would be #cw food image and the tag for posts that only mention food or some reference to food would be #cw food mention.

If there are any triggers or content warnings we don't already tag that you would like us to tag or otherwise use, feel free to let us know what you need and we'll be happy to use it! It doesn't matter what it is, we're glad to use it if it helps you. You can DM us, send an ask, or contact us any other way about it. However you feel comfortable telling us is fine, it's totally up to you.

Off Tumblr and in any other necessary situation, we will list any applicable content warnings at the beginning of a post or in a place they are otherwise easily visible.

Tone Indicators

Some of us use tone indicators or "tone tags" to help clarify our speech and make things more accessible for others like us who have difficulty reading tone. We appreciate if you can also try to do the same, but we understand that some people may find it very difficult. Most of us use them consistently but some of us (especially the younger ones) find tone indicators very confusing and opt instead to specify what we mean when we speak in our own words as best we can. This is also helpful for us if it's easier for you!

This is a guide to the tone indicators we personally use and what they mean. We know more tone indicators than just these ones, so feel free to use ones not on this list. These are just the ones that we personally use, for those who aren't as familiar with tone indicators to reference. For further information on tone indicators, more of them, how to use them, how they work, etc. click here or here.

/jijoking insult
/jovjokingly overreacting
/cjcoping joke/coping with humor
/nsrsnot serious
/nmnot mad/non-malicious
/lua little upset
/nbhnobody here (not directed at anyone who would see it)
/naynot directed at you
/aydirected at you
/nbrnot being rude/not to be rude
/nlnot literal
/rhrhetorical question
/sxsexual intent/meaning
/nsxnonsexual intent/meaning
/sympta symptom/part of a symptom (whatever is being said is the result of a symptom and should be recognized as such/taken with a grain of salt)